Friday, February 1, 2013

Miss Montana’s Encouraging Words

Feeling Fabulous Friday!
Sometimes we all need to be reminded of what truly defines us as individuals. We are unique and amazing because of our spirit. How we choose to overcome our challenges sets us apart from others. These decisions give us confidence and make us great.
Today we at Easter Seals are feeling fabulous because we are inspired by a young lady named Alexis Wineman. Alexis Wineman was diagnosed with autism at age 11. Last year she won the title of Miss Montana and recently went on to reach the top 15 in the Miss America Pageant.
Her achievements are admirable; her challenges are compelling. Yet, it is a combination of her compassion, genuine nature, resilience and positive attitude that truly makes Alexis the wonderful young woman the country has come to love.   
We want to share some of her own words today…
“My path may not be one that another person would choose, but I challenged myself to enter the Miss America competition because it seemed like the peak to my own personal Everest.”
~ Alexis Wineman

“I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know there is a lot for me to do to make sure people really get that ‘Normal is just a dryer setting’."
~ Alexis Wineman
Wishing everyone a fabulous Friday!

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