Friday, February 8, 2013

65th year and going strong

It’s Feeling Fabulous Friday!

In today’s data-driven world we can analyze, measure and count the number of people we serve and the impacts we have on their lives.  Sixty-five years ago, in 1948 when Easter Seals Florida was first formed, there were no computers, no fancy data systems and it wasn't a priority to keep track.  But imagine if we did have data going back that far! Hundreds of thousands of people have been served or supported by Easter Seals Florida.  If you consider the advocacy nationwide, Easter Seals has impacted millions of people with disabilities with our instrumental work on the Americans with Disabilities Act, The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Affordability Health Care Act.

Closer to home, today children like Leonardo, Taliyah and Jacob are learning to walk, talk and read in our child development, Early Intervention and therapy programs.  Adults like Joseph, Andrea and Jermane are employed, gaining independence in their life skills, in our employment programs, and seniors and veterans like Frank, Millie and Hattie are staying alert, engaged and safe in our adult day health care programs. 

A major accomplishment this year was raising the money to replace our pool at Camp Challenge.  Swimming is a central component of summer time and camp!  Our original pool built was built in 1960 and has been continually upgraded to maintain all health and safety standards.  The newest of safety standards for 2013 made it essential to modernize and start fresh with a whole new pool. In the spring of 2013 we will host our grand opening of our pool and celebrate the many donors and volunteers who helped us make this happen. We look forward to an extraordinary summer with record numbers of swimmers and campers!

In our 65th year of service, we are grateful for your support of our mission and the work we do each and every day!

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