Friday, March 29, 2013

The court is yours, take it

It’s Feeling Fabulous Friday

Today at Easter Seals Florida we've got basketball on the mind, but we aren't think of March Madness. We are remembering a great story that comes from Germantown High School outside Memphis, Tennessee. You may be wondering what is so important about Germantown High School, but the question to ask is “who is so important?”

David Andrews’ of the Germantown High School basketball team has an inspiring story that is spreading across the country. David is a young man with Down Syndrome that loves to play basketball. Though he began last season on the bench, it wasn't long before he struck up attention. When his team was safely headed to victory one night, his coach gave him a chance on the court. Crowds cheered him on as he made shot after shot. With a three-pointer shooting statistic better than LeBron James, David has been wowing fans ever since.

Image Credit: ABC

We are so inspired by David here at Easter Seals Florida that we had to share his story. His coach’s actions are a reminder of the very mission of Easter Seals. Empowering others leads to great things. Above all, we are reminded by David’s success that everyone can dream big and go the distance. To anyone out there that is overwhelmed by a situation or struggling with some kind of set-back, remember to take the court and give it all you have. Set your eyes on the hoop, because you have the power to make any shot, as long as you believe in yourself.


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